Neue Version verfügbar!
Das ultimative Tool für Hackintosh-Jünger geht in eine neue Runde und bringt wichtige Verbesserungen mit sich…
Das Update auf Version 5.3 enthält jetzt Chimera 2.0.1, zwei neue Tonymacx Bootloader Themes, einen neuen universellen USB 3.0 Treiber sowie eine für Mountain Lion 10.8.3 optimierte AppleHDA Audio kext. Außerdem wurde eine neue Option hinzugefügt, die jeglichen Desktop oder Laptop in den Ruhezustand versetzen soll.
Visible Changes:
- Renamed Drivers & Bootloaders -> Drivers -> Disk -> TRIM Enabler -> 10.8.1+ TRIM Patch to 10.8.1-10.8.2 TRIM Patch
- Added Drivers & Bootloaders -> Drivers -> Disk -> TRIM Enabler -> 10.8.3 TRIM Patch
- Removed Drivers & Bootloaders -> Miscellaneous -> USB 3.0 3rd Party -> LaCie
- Removed Drivers & Bootloaders -> Miscellaneous -> USB 3.0 3rd Party -> CalDigit
- Removed Drivers & Bootloaders -> Miscellaneous -> USB 3.0 3rd Party
- Added Drivers & Bootloaders -> Miscellaneous -> USB 3.0 – Universal which is RehabMan’s branch of Zenith432’s GenericUSBXHCI.kext
- Removed Drivers & Bootloaders -> Drivers -> System -> Legacy USB Support
- Added Customization -> Boot Options -> Power Management Hibernate Mode
- Added Customization -> Boot Options -> Power Management Hibernate Mode -> Desktop
- Added Customization -> Boot Options -> Power Management Hibernate Mode -> Laptop
- Added Customization -> Themes -> tonymacx86 Black
- Added Customization -> Themes -> tonymacx86 White
- Renamed Customization -> Themes -> tonymacx86 to tonymacx86 remixed
- Added Customization -> Themes -> Chameleon 2.1 Default
- Removed Customization -> Themes -> Chameleon 2.0 Default
- Added Customization -> System Definitions -> Mac mini -> Mac mini 6,2
- Added Customization -> System Definitions -> iMac -> iMac 13,2
Internal Changes:
- Added to UserDSDT or DSDT-Free correct hibernatemode for desktops
- Changed default theme in EasyBeast and UserDSDT to tonymacx86 Black
- Updated EasyBeast and UserDSDT or DSDT-Free to have a valid random Mac Pro 3,1 serial number
- Updated Chimera to v2.0.1
- Updated toleda’s patched AppleHDAs to the 10.8.3 versions
- Updated hnak’s AppleIntelE1000e Ethernet to v2.1.7.
- Updated FakeSMC and Plugins to kozlek’s branch v5.1.61
- Updated Customization -> System Definitions -> Mac Pro -> Mac Pro 3,1 to have a valid random serial number
- Updated Customization -> System Definitions -> Mac mini -> Mac mini 6,1 serial number
- Updated Customization -> System Definitions -> iMac -> iMac 13,1 serial number
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